Research Starts Here

Accelerate your discoveries with AI-synthesized data.

Genomics Lab

Synthesize Bio empowers biologists to generate genomic data in minutes instead of months.

Researchers can generate and combine AI and experimental data for seamless analysis and collaboration in one easy-to-use platform designed by scientists for scientists.
Our platform empowers you to streamline your workflow and get unparalleled access to data.
Generate synthetic genomic data in minutes to inform your experiments and expand your dataset.
Customize AI models to precisely match your research questions.
Seamlessly combine AI and lab data for accelerated, comprehensive analysis and insights.
Visualize and analyze expression data with interactive tools and shareable code.
Streamline your workflow and get unparalleled access to data

Synthetic Data

Private beta

Triage Molecular Experiments

Triage Molecular Experiments

Design your experiments faster with AI insights. Save time and resources with predictive modeling that ensures your next steps are the right steps.

Generate Synthetic Controls

Generate Synthetic Controls

Reduce experimental costs with precise synthetic controls. Enhance the reliability of your experiments.

Augment rare samples

Augment rare samples

Generate data for difficult-to-obtain samples to get the statistical power you need for clear insights.

Integrated Data Analysis

Analyze expression data in the cloud

Analyze expression data in the cloud

Get reliable, expert analyses of your RNA-seq data in seconds. Upload, process, and store large datasets seamlessly and scalably.

Interact with your data and collaborate

Interact with your data and collaborate

Use our interactive and easily customizable visualizations to explore and describe your discoveries. Share and discuss with colleagues.

Access preprocessed public data

Access preprocessed public data

Rapidly find relevant public data, combine with your private data, and perform differential expression analyses to generate, validate, and extend your hypotheses.

Use AI-generated data to triage possible designs in silico so you have confidence in your approach.
Design experiments to get data you need and skip dead ends
Use AI-generated data to get the sample the sizes and variation you need when data are sparse or fine-tune on your data.
Expand and supplement datasets with rare samples
Identify and prioritize the most promising targets and identify optimal patient populations.
Accelerate drug discovery and target validation
Test hypotheses, combine with your private data, or conduct a meta-analysis to confirm your results in a larger dataset.
Search, retrieve, and analyze 7,000+ curated public RNA-seq datasets
Analyze data without the hassle of managing processing pipelines – for both beginners and expert computational biologists.
Upload and analyze your own NGS data in a private, secure platform

Synthesize Bio received our first SOC 2® report on our organization's security controls. For details on our security posture or to request a copy of our SOC 2® report, visit our Trust Center.

Discover your next
breakthrough with
Synthesize Bio

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